Cisco Unified Communications
Small and medium businesses have many uses for Unified Communications within their scope of work, as it assists businesses to enhance overall response towards clients, decrease time taken for problem solving, contact key personnel speedily to gain approvals for various processes and create business setups that are attractive for employees for a long term basis.
The IT Consultants at E2 Networks enable you to approach collaboration and unified communications holistically, to assist you in analyzing problems and challenges and create a reasonable path to visualize your target. The communications capability of your business will strongly benefit from our technical know how and unique generated solutions specific to your organization.
Cisco® Unified Communications services, offered by E2 Networks, is an innovative mode of communication. This complete and integrated system of communications of various modes like voice, data, video, mobile devices and apps allows network usage as a smart platform in a novel presentation for efficient, mutual, and protected communications to run your business better. Switch over from outdated telephone networks to a Unified Communications System at your own office through the Cisco® Unified Communications Manager Express that proffers a customized solution that is cost effective, user friendly and can be scaled according to business size.
Under the Cisco Unified Communications umbrella, E2 Networks, headquartered in Toronto offers the Cisco® Business Edition 6000 (BE6K) and BE 7000 which is a network of customized, alliance platforms that work out well for businesses from 25 to 1000 employee. A single package can solve intricate connection difficulties through a single, easy to deploy and utility based platform to support business growth.
E2 Networks also deals with the Cisco® Unified Communications 500 Series phone Systems, that is meant for small businesses and is a single box that provides a single, easily manageable and affordable solution by combining data, voice, visuals, security, and much more.
Learn more about Cisco Unified Communications ( BE6000, BE 7000 UC500 and CME) , Contact E2 Networks. Servicing Areas- Markham, Toronto, Mississauga, Oakville, Pickering, Richmond hill, Brampton, Vaughan.